Do I really need to floss?

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Can you guess how often we hear the question, “Do I really need to floss?”

From little kids and teenagers questioning their parent’s direction (and no we’re not talking about the dance move here!) to adults curious if it’s really a necessity or not. 

On a daily basis, we hear it all. 

(And it’s true: kids really do say the darndest things especially when it comes to their teeth.) 

If you search for the hard facts on flossing you’ll have a lot to sift through because the research and studies can be conflicting.

We’re going to make it easy for you with this answer…

Do I Really Need to Floss? 

The simple answer is yes, we believe you really need to floss.

And we’re not just saying that to agree with your parents or add another to-do to your mouth care list. 

We believe the benefits of flossing far outweigh never buying floss again. 

Let us tell you why.

Imagine your teeth are like highly used end tables. 

Because of the high-traffic area, you clean your tables and brush your teeth frequently. 

Now think about not wiping down your end tables fully (particularly on the sides where drinks spill). 

Over time buildup will accumulate and you’ll eventually find yourself chipping away at the spillage. 

That’s exactly what not flossing does to your teeth. 

You may brush your teeth every day but if you don’t floss—especially between the “end tables”—you’ll be stuck with extra debris between your teeth which will only make “cleaning” it up harder. 

That’s why we believe in flossing—to save time and save the health of your mouth
3 Benefits of Daily Flossing 
While you brush your teeth daily, why not add a quick floss to your routine? 

And even if you don’t do it daily, more often than not—like a couple times a week—is better than not flossing at all!
Plaque—which can lead to gum disease—can build up quickly. 

And by quickly we mean a couple hours after you had that hearty lunch, plaque begins to solidify. 

If a day or two passes without flossing, consider part of yesterday’s burger stuck to your teeth in some form. 

By flossing after each meal, or even daily, “leftovers” will only be in your fridge—not between your teeth. 
Did you know you can get a cavity between your teeth? 

This is due to—you guessed it—plaque buildup. 

Let’s face it—to fix a cavity is no fun.

So, keep your teeth strong and mouth healthy by getting in those hard-to-reach places with floss. 


Gum disease can lead to some serious conditions like heart and respiratory disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and even a stroke. 

When you floss you reduce the risk of gum disease and increase the health of your body. 

So, do you really need to floss? We’d say, “Yes!”. 

In our dental world, we most definitely believe flossing supports not only the health of your mouth but your body as well! 

(Which means fewer visits in the dentist chair—that’s a win, right?)

Gone too long without flossing? No problem! We’d love to help restore the health of your mouth. 

Give Integrity Dental in Pueblo a call today to schedule your visit—we can’t wait to see you!