Home remedies for a toothache

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Does this sound familiar?

You’re camping and bite into a perfect, juicy, well-seasoned piece of food and out of nowhere, you feel a sharp pain in your mouth.

Or it’s late at night and you’re watching a mind-melding show as you snack on popcorn and then you suddenly feel a throbbing pain in your mouth.

You begin to question if this is a toothache and if so, what immediate attention—if any—it requires.

Whether you’re far away from a dentist, or the hours are well past closing time at your local dental office, it’s nice to have a few tricks up your sleeve with home remedies for a toothache.


A literal pain in your mouth—which can be caused by anything from gum disease and tooth sensitivity to a chipped tooth and cavities—is no fun, especially when it

happens during a vacation, or after-hours.

Until you can get in to see the dentist, here are a few home remedies on how to get rid of a toothache.


Thankfully, the ability to quickly obtain an ice pack upon tooth pain can be easier than traveling to a dentist.

Holding an ice pack near the affected tooth will numb the area and give temporary relief and comfort.

Please remember to only ice the area for no longer than 20 minutes at a time.



A little warm water can also help.

Simply mix a few teaspoons of salt with warm water, rinse/swish it in your mouth for 30 seconds and then spit contents out. Repeat as necessary.

This saltwater rinse acts as a natural disinfectant and may decrease inflammation.

Bonus: Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse
• Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with equal parts water • Same directions as a saltwater rinse
• Best used for bleeding gums and infection


Because clove oil contains the natural anesthetic eugenol it can act as a temporary pain reliever and aid with infection prevention.

Use a cotton ball to soak up the clove oil (a few drops will work) and rub over affected gums and teeth.

If you enjoy the taste and smell of clove oil—enjoy.
If clove oil isn’t your favorite, oils like peppermint, tea tree, or thyme may also bring relief to your tooth.


Tannins—specifically found in non-herbal tea—can help alleviate pain temporarily.

A wet and warm tea bag held to the area of mouth pain may bring numbing relief and cool the inflamed tooth.

Bonus: Green tea offers some of the highest numbers of tannins. Bring a bag or two with you on your next travels!

We know there’s rarely a “good” time to have a toothache. (Except during a date you’re not really into?!).

However, if one does strike you at an inconvenient time or place—know you have home remedies for a toothache that may offer relief until you can see your dentist.

Need extra help with your toothache?

We’d love to help you feel better!

Give Integrity Dental in Pueblo, CO a call to get started.