When dental implants might be right for you

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Do you have missing, damaged, or discolored teeth that cause you pain or embarrassment?

Maybe it’s that one missing tooth you can’t stand.

Maybe it’s the cracked tooth you keep fixing, but you end up at the dentist more often than not.
Maybe it’s the discoloration that teeth whitening just isn’t doing the trick on.

Whatever tooth (or teeth) keeps you from flashing your smile—there may be a solution in dental implants that not only keeps your bone structure intact but creates a smile worth showing off.

If this sounds better than wishing your teeth away, let’s find out when dental implants might be right for you.


Dental implants are surgical-grade root devices that support permanent tooth prosthetics and are made to last a lifetime.

The artificial roots anchor in the bone beneath the gums where they fuse in the jaw and then a crown is placed over the implant that creates a natural, long-lasting smile.

This option of dental care is preferred because dental implants mimic natural teeth function and bone atrophy in the jaw is much smaller compared to the use of dentures.


Although dental implants are a preferred method of dental care for the replacement of teeth—compared to dentures—there are a few caveats to find out if they’re right for you.

Who Is A Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

If you’re generally healthy and don’t present with gum disease (or any other mouth condition that impedes your jawbone) you are considered a good candidate for dental implants.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Dental Implants?


• Confidence

Forget about a denture slip or the loss of bone structure, the sturdy nature and natural esthetics of dental implants can boost your confidence and help you feel comfortable in your daily life.

• Structure
The replacement of missing teeth won’t affect surrounding teeth and because dental implants work with bone structure (helps prevent bone loss and stimulates bone growth) they’re highly stable and your natural teeth and smile won’t be compromised.

If you maintain care, expect them to last decades. Unlike dentures and bridges which require more frequent replacement.


• Diabetes/Smoking/Gum Disease

If you are diabetic, a smoker, or have gum disease these can restrict access to dental implants due to a higher risk of infection and healing post- surgery.

• Certain Medications

NSAID’s (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), as well as medications specific to bone health, can cause complications during oral surgery or increase the risk of infection.

• Lengthy Process and Risk

The journey of dental implants can take months depending on your individual case and proper healing in-between visits.

As with any surgery, the risk of infection is a possibility.

How Much Are Dental Implants?

The average cost can range anywhere from $3,000-$5,000 and will vary on your unique dental care.

Some insurance companies cover dental implants, while others do not. So, it’s crucial to speak with your dental office about this coverage.

If you’re ready for a long-term boost of confidence to your smile—and you’re otherwise generally healthy—dental implants might be right for you.

Keep in mind it’s a longer process, but you will reap the benefits for decades and often a lifetime.


Want to find out if dental implants are right for you?
Give Integrity Dental in Pueblo, CO a call today to get started.