FAQ for parents considering braces for their child

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Are you considering braces for your child? 

Are they ready for them if they do need them? 

How long will they wear the braces? 

These are just a few of the very common questions parents ponder about their child’s oral health. 

In this FAQ for parents, we answer most questions that parents have when considering braces for their child(ren). 


Q: Does my child need braces?

A: Obviously your orthodontist will be able to answer this question best, but there are some signs that your child will benefit from braces in particular. 

Here are some of the signs to look for:

  • Crowded teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Bite issues
  • Difficulty chewing or speaking

Q: When is the best age for braces?

A: An age between 8-14 is when orthodontic treatment is ideal. 

This is because their face and mouth are still growing and malleable enough to respond well to treatment. 

Each child is different and may require a special treatment schedule based on their individual needs. 

Consult with your orthodontist to determine the best course of action.

Q: How long will they need to wear braces?

A: Braces are typically a 1–3-year process and the path to straight teeth isn’t always a typical one as each child is uniquely different. 

Depending on your child’s specific needs this time frame may be longer or shorter; adherence to the treatment protocols can also have an impact on the desired outcomes. 

Q: What if we don’t choose orthodontic treatment?  

A: Orthodontic inattention can range from tooth decay, gum disease, abnormal wear on tooth enamel, jaw problems, speech and chewing issues, and tooth loss. 

While some people may see braces as a vanity treatment there are several functional and oral health reasons to pursue braces

Crooked, crowded, or abnormal gaps in teeth can contribute to inefficient or poor oral health in the future and can cause wear and tear issues for teeth later on down the road. 

Q: Are braces the only treatment my child needs?

A: It’s not uncommon for parents to pursue braces, only to realize after a consult, that their child has additional orthodontic needs. 

Braces create a healthy oral structure, but many times other orthodontic needs are required to make that possible.

Q: Are braces painful?

A: Pain and discomfort are unfortunately a common part of braces and orthodontics. Everyone is different and feels and manages this differently. 

Braces can be a very personal journey for your child and they may have anxiety around the prospect. 

Armed with a healthy support system, tips and tricks, and an excellent orthodontist—the journey to a healthy mouth can be well worth the challenges.

Whether you think braces are right for your child or want to look further into oral health, we encourage a visit with Integrity Dental so we can answer any of your questions. 

Want to find out if your child needs braces? We’d love to be a part of your journey. 

Contact Integrity Dental in Pue?blo, CO and we’d be happy to schedule an appointment with our orthodontist Dr. Ordahl.